You can expect to be shown love at Covenant Church.
We long to be a church whose love testifies to the truth of our beliefs. Therefore, you can expect to be shown love if you visit with us. We do not believe love is an abstract concept with a different meaning for each person. God is love (1 John 4:7), and defines true love for us in the Bible (1 Corinthians 13, Mark 12:28-31), and especially through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross (1 John 3:16).
You can expect to hear truth at Covenant Church.
We believe truth exists and is given to us in the Bible (John 17:17). God's Word is sufficient and is all we need to tell us who God is and who he commands us to be (2 Timothy 3:15-17). It is our ultimate authority and clearly describes how we can be saved and adopted as God's children through Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
You can expect to meet sinners at Covenant Church.
We believe that God has set believers free from the power of sin to pursue lives that please him, but recognize our continued struggle with sin means we must also be a people who are quick to repent and forgive (Romans 6:16-19, Colossians 3:12-13). No one at Covenant is perfect (except Jesus!) and no one will expect you to be perfect either.
Questions you may have...
We love to have babies and young children worship with their families but recognize this may not always be practical. Some parents may find the cry room with speakers and windows in the back of the auditorium to be helpful. We also offer children's church many Sundays for children ages 4-8. Children will be dismissed right before the sermon and return during the final hymn.
We provide a nursery for infants and toddlers up to age 3 during the worship service. We take great care to make sure our nursery and children's programs are safe and clean. All of our volunteers and staff who work with children have passed background and clearance checks. Our policies and procedures are described in the Covenant Church Child Protection Policy, which can be read here.
Sunday School
Prior to our worship service we offer Sunday School classes beginning at 9:15 AM. We often have two adult classes and/or a new member class running, as well as classes for all ages. Ask a greeter if you need help directing your children to the right classroom.
What to wear
Some members dress casually, others semi-formally. We want to honor God with our worship and avoid distracting others, but no one will judge you for what you wear.
During our services we receive an offering to support the ministries of our church. This is an expression of our thankfulness to God for all he has given us. We do not expect visitors to give and you should feel free to pass the plate on to the next person in your row.
The Lord's Supper
We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month. If you are trusting in Jesus Christ and have publicly confessed your belief in him at Covenant or another church, we invite you to join us for this special meal.