Truths that define how we worship:
We are saved and able to approach God in worship only by means of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Therefore, we will persistently point to Him in every aspect of our worship, but especially in our proclamation of the Word of God.
We worship a God who is both our Father, and the Lord of the Universe.
- Therefore, we seek to worship in a way that is both intimate and reverent, familiar and awe-filled.
We worship in communion with believers from all lands and all times.
- Therefore, we use hymns and liturgical forms that are both ancient and modern, transcultural and contextual.
God tells us how to know and worship Him in his Word.
- Therefore, the principles of our worship are directly founded upon or deduced from the Bible.
Our Order of Worship
The flow of our services intends to reflect how God speaks to his people and they in turn respond. After welcoming the congregation into the auditorium with music, we hear God call us to worship with a passage from the Bible, and respond with singing. We are confronted by God's law, respond by confessing our sins, and then hear God's word of assurance that in Christ our sins are washed clean. We offer our gifts to the Lord and then speak to him in prayer together as his people. We hear him speak to us through the reading and preaching of the Bible and respond to his words in song. We leave with his blessing.
Worship Style
Our music is a blend of traditional and contemporary instruments and hymns. Our goal is to appreciate the differing musical tastes of our members, as well as choose music that is beautiful, singable, and has lyrics that are directly from or based on the truths of the Bible.
Playlists of some of the newer songs we are learning can be found on our Youtube Channel, Covenant Church Sinking Spring